teckentrup SLI Screw-locking technology

Welcome to teckentrup SLI!

As the inventor of the principle of the screw locking washer, teckentrup has many years of experience in the development and production of highly effective screw locks. Due to the combination of a toothed surface and a resilient geometry, NSK locking washers counteract both loosening and unscrewing of a screw connection.

With our many years of experience and comprehensive testing facilities, we will be pleased to support you in planning, development and selection with standardized as well as customized screw locking solutions.

teckentrup sperrkant - The Original "Made in Germany"


teckentrup SLI GmbH + Co. KG
Grünestraße 75
58840 Plettenberg
Phone: +49 (0)2391 / 9993930